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Old 07-28-2009, 11:07 AM   #10
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
7/28 - Morning Session

quick writeup, I'm in a fair amount of disbelief of what just happened heh. I hate bad beat stories, but I'm gonna bitch a little here, so if you too hate bad beat stories(and you should), skip this post(you should).

HANDS: 137


The biggest pot I won netted me $8 profit.

There was a player at the table 3-betting a couple times an orbit, going all in pretty frequently, playing 90% of his hands, raising 40% of them. Running bad against someone like that will kill you.

Two bad beat whines:

I raise AJ87 double suited in position, he 3-bets me, I call. Flop J73, two spades, I don't have spades. He leads into me and instacalls my all in. He has KQ92, 92 spades. No pair, 9 high flush draw. Turn 9, river queen, he runner's a higher two pair. The next hand he gets all in preflop with QQ32 against someone else and loses to AA. The hand after that he gets all in on the flop with bottom pair and a gutshot and loses.

And my last hand before I gave up and quit, I raise TT87, opponent cold calls. Flop 964, any 5, 7, 8, T gives me a straight. I get it in against him, he has 7444. Yeah. cold called a raise with trips, hit, and has his hand hold up.

I lost $125 directly to this one opponent. In 100ish hands I've lost more to him than anyone else in 13000ish hands of PLO.

Also, despite the fact that I gave him $125, when I quit, he was down 3 buyins, taking my $125 and $75 more and pouring it out to everyone else.



Will get it back later.

Last edited by Radii : 07-28-2009 at 11:07 AM.
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