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Old 08-19-2009, 08:14 AM   #163
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Massachusetts
Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
But that's not the problem as far as I can tell. Look at the Nov & Dec PPV's, good/great/excellent/decent in 3 of the 4 top of the card fights on those ... and Poor rating for both shows.

Unlike TEW where the last two matches weight heavily on your show rating, as far as I can tell WMMA is almost entirely about the name value + winning streaks building interest in the fight before the show that's dictating the final rating. Somewhere (game help? Ryland on their forum?) it's been spelled out explicitly that the rating of the fight(s) has only a limited impact on the rating of the show itself. That's my biggest complaint with the game by far to this point.

It's logical that the anticipation should effect buy rate & ticket sales (which it doesn't seem to do very much, those seem largely based on your promotion's name recognition instead of the individual cards) but I can put on a great show with Main eventers that are Low National fighters instead of Mid National fighter I'm still going to have subpar or worse show rating at the end of the night. It borders on FUBAR.

What it really amounts to is that the show rating at the end really doesn't refer much to the actual fights or the caliber of the show but rather just measures how the name value of the fighters matches the popularity of your promotion before the show.

It's highly contrary to my preferred booking style which makes it all even more confounding. I've accumulated probably half the most skilled fighters in the game at this point but instead of worrying about putting on killer fights, in order to succeed in game terms I have to force myself to put most of the top guys up against relative cans as often as possible in order to lengthen their winning streaks and maybe get a passable rating for a show later on.

aaah...yeah that was one of the things that always sorta frustrated me about WAMMA 1. Like you, I was accumulating skilled guys, but it was always frustrating to throw two of them in the ring together, have an epic fight and have it trash the card because the anticipation wasn't there. It'd be nice if the "Show Rating" in that sense didn't matter as much - MMA is significantly different then wrestling and I wonder if Adam just doesn't grasp that - yes everyone wants to see the two superstars battle it out, but a card can have a stinker of a main event in terms of action or result but have amazing undercard fights and still be viewed positively by the fans...
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