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Old 09-10-2009, 10:40 PM   #5023
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Back in Houston!
Originally Posted by RainMaker View Post
I understand how the system works and why we have certain sin taxes. I just find it sad that so many people are so infatuated with how people live their lives. That they get off on telling others what they should and shouldn't do. I've always been of the belief that people should mind their own business and not worry what everyone else eats, drinks, or decides to spend for their form of entertainment. But there are people who get off on living vicariously through others and it's sad.

I guess some people love that feeling of authority but I think that's way too glib and cheap of an explanation. Do some people feel that way? Sure. I think a lot of anti-smoking regulations are overboard, for instance. But, you know, if you (and I'm using the pronouns in the literary and not literal sense) want to smoke and I also want to be in that space- I also have the right to not breathe in your second hand smoke. You have freedoms but so does everyone else. I know most people seem to view this as some Venn Diagram with intersecting rights but everyone also seems to think that they get to keep the middle area which is where conflicts arise.

But I also think there's also a simple monetary reason. You want to be unhealthy- my health care has to pay for it and this is before we even talk about a government run plan. You want to talk on your cell phone and get in an accident- I still have to pay deductibles and even if I don't, I have to go get a new car that isn't as well kept as my old car because I take care of mine. You want to not recycle plastic or buy a huge fuel inefficient vehicle- I'm tired of our country having to buy extra oil from countries I don't want to be giving money to. And none of these have anything to do with government programs or vindictive reasons towards the individuals participating in those actions.

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Freakazoid: "That's because we make lots of things better than other people!"

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