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Old 10-05-2009, 02:57 PM   #4
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Behind Enemy Lines in Athens, GA
I'm with RainMaker on this one, for the FTC to have even considered for a moment getting involved with this (non)issue borders on outright insulting it's so completely absurd.

Who in their right fucking mind takes bloggers as gospel? Or as anything other than having some personal motivation for anything & everything they write? If there's a negative review, is the blogger required to reveal that they've been turned down for a job at Publisher X 14 times? Are they required to reveal that they've got a cousin who works at rival Publisher Y and that he thinks dinging other products might help Y (and therefore his cousin)?

Honest to goodness, even if the goal is to protect the terminally stupid and chronically gullible, this is just silly as it's virtually entirely unenforceable unless they're expecting stimulus money in order to hire 25,000 people to read the blogs of every Tom, Dick, and Harriet on the nterwebz.
"I lit another cigarette. Unless I specifically inform you to the contrary, I am always lighting another cigarette." - from a novel by Martin Amis
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