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Old 10-09-2009, 02:36 PM   #60
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally Posted by JS19 View Post
Holding a door open or having the door held for me. Obviously, if the person is directly behind me sure, I'll hold it open... but I hate, which is why I don't do it anymore, but holding the door when the person is still a solid 10 steps or so away, it's pointless and a waste of my time. People are perfectly capable of pushing or pulling a door open themselves. On the other hand, don't hold the door open for me, I'm not gonna sit there and shuffle my way over to the door looking like a retard just bc you're holding it open for me, but then I'm the asshole for taking my sweet ass time.

ah spoken like a true new yorker.

when i moved from nj to kansas i was shocked at the pervasive door-holding culture. people would hold the door open for others that were a good 25 feet away. and if the straggler was a women, double the distance. i on the otherhand was the typical rude nj ahole who held the door for no one and like never before felt conspicuously out of place.
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