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Old 11-13-2009, 11:32 AM   #40
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
What do you know, they found water on the moon. I guess we didn't need to go to mars after all.
NASA Discovers Large Lunar Ice Field - News Story - KTVU San Francisco
MOFFETT FIELD, Calif. -- NASA will report the discovery of a large field of ice on the moon, KTVU has learned.

Just weeks after NASA's L-CROSS mission analyzed a plume of debris generated by the impact of a satellite into a crater on the moon's south pole, NASA scientists will announce that the findings suggest the presence of frozen water at the site of impact.

Also, Spirit and Opporunity are still around. Spirt is stuck but Opportunity is still runinng around.
For Mars rover Spirit, it's do or die --
Over their nearly six years of exploration on Mars, the two rovers have helped unravel the planet's geological past. They also found evidence that water once flowed on the surface.
Opportunity is currently on the opposite side of Mars driving toward a large crater called Endeavor.
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