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Old 11-20-2009, 04:14 PM   #43
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Dawn breaks and a fierce, unnatural storm arrives with it. The ships is violently rocking to and fro. Within moments, the floor of my cabin is awash with water. I gather up my stuff and head out. As I do, the captain sees me and grabs my arm, telling me to turn to my cabin. As he does, lightning cracks and hit’s the mast, and tears it, with a tattered pole falling towards us.

I have to pick a number. I roll a 2.

I dive backwards but only just miss the falling timber, and I actually take one damage from the shards flying at me. However, Captain Kelman is not as quick. His body is crushed beneath the mast.

For a few moments time passes and I cannot move or react. Then the ships cracks with a sound that would awaken the dead. The already damaged hull of the Green Sceptre has been split by the storm, the crashing waves, and the tossing about.

I am hurled into the see and begin to sink due to my Chainmail Waistcoat. I shed it in order to float. Miraculously, I manage to find a floating piece of the ship in the bobbing sea - a hatch cover. It is my lifeline. I see the ship sink and no other survivors, although the storm may cover them or send them away.

I fall asleep on the hatch cover and awaken a few hours later, adrift in the sea. I can see the shore in the far horizon, and nearer is a fishing boat. It looks to be late afternoon. I can try to signal the boat, or just try to swim for shore. I decide to try and signal the boat.

I wave my cloak about hoping to be seen. I roll a die and get a 7.

It appears that the fisherman are either blind or have no intention of rescuing me. They choose not to answer my waving cloak. Without any other option, I make for the shore myself.

Within a short while, I have paddled myself near the shore, and then slip off and swim the rest of the way. Land! My fingers dig deep furrows into the sand as I again rejoice in the union of man and land. I am exhausted and quite hungry. I take stock of my possessions while laying against a sand dune. I lost my quarterstaff, everything in my backpack which was just a meal, but not the pack itself, and my Chainmail WC. I still have my gold crowns and other special items.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 11-20-2009 at 04:16 PM.
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