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Old 11-20-2009, 10:22 PM   #61
General Manager
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Chicago
Good news - Electricity defense is, relatively speaking, through the roof.
Bad news - nothing else that really jumps out. I need to get SorcerySquid a new wand ASAP.

I said this place was huge, and I had no idea. Just sprawling rooms full of lush vegetation that seemed to go on forever. This is as at least as big as the Lair of the Three Sisters. But eventually SorcerySquid makes his way down to the second level, albeit short on health potions.

That does not end up mattering against a boss spider, but it is costly in battle against about 15 swarming pygmies. Another death in this one; hopefully the main area is not this daunting.

It turns out that the Pygmies were the last inhabitants of the level. Kind of galling to die in that spot, but there were a ton of them. Maybe 25, after further review.

After rolling through that area it is back to the main mission. There are three separate portals that are going to lead to different areas in the Estherian Ruins. The first takes me to "Floor 10" and there are a slew of spider bosses and pygmies here, but they are lower level than the last batch. All in all, this is pretty easy. Sorcery Squid picks up both a standard level and a fame level. I've got some sit-ups and push-ups to get done.

I also added another item with my latest level - Casting chain Shoes of Protection:
7 Armor
+2 vs Electricity
+4 vs Fire and Poison
+10 Defense

The jump in defense is a huge leap.
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