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Old 11-22-2009, 09:50 PM   #112
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
I can draw my weapon and attack, or try and distract him. I choose to distract him. I tell him to hold his blade. Barraka turns around surprised at first and then laughs, giving me time to close. He moves towards me with the enchanted dagger. I draw my weapon. I need to kill Barraka and who knows what he can do to me while my attention is turned. I am asked if I have the Sommerswerd, and I do.

As I raise it, the howling wind from the Gorge increases in intensity. They can feel it end. Barraka draws a long and sharp scimitar. He manages to cut my cheek and I lose an EP> Then he launches a deadly Mindblast, but I have Mindshield. Otherwise I would have lost 4 CS for the combat. Barraka is immune to Mindblast:

Barraka CS 25, EP 29

I have just a difference of +2. I roll a 1 and he takes 4 and me 5. I follow with a 7 and he takes 10 and me 1. A 5 is next with 8 and 2. I roll a 6 and he takes 9 and I take 2. Barraka falls to the Sommerswerd. As Vashna fell here to the Sommerswerd long ago, so does him who would bring back Vashna.


As Barraka dies, the wind suddenly rises in pitch and intensity, filling the temple with a mournful cry of despair. You feel the chill, malevolent spirit of Darklord Vashna engulfing you in an icy embrace, but you sense that he is powerless to harm you. The sacrifice has been foiled; he is doomed to lament for a victory that might have been.

Lying on the black temple floor is the Dagger of Vashna. As you pick it up and tuck it into your belt (mark this on your Action Chart as a Special Item), the evil blue flame flickers and dies. As long as you possess this evil blade, Darklord Vashna and his legion of dead warriors will remain imprisoned in the chasm of doom.

You free fair Madelon from the altar and carry her through the corridors of the temple that lead up to the surface. As you emerge into the moonlit ruins, an astounding sight greets your eyes. Barraka's warriors are running from the ghost city in all directions, closely pursued by an army of cavalrymen. The light of the full moon and the guttering torches that these horsemen carry, illuminates the sun-crest that bedecks their tunics. Word must have reached Holmgard for they are the Sommlending army, led by King Ulnar himself. Your countrymen praise your courage and daring, their strident cheers drowning the cry of Maakengorge, for once again you have proved yourself a true hero of Sommerlund. As you deliver Madelon into the waiting arms of her father, his overwhelming joy fills you with a sense of great achievement. You are indeed worthy of the title 'Kai Lord'. You have succeeded in your perilous quest, but the epic saga of Lone Wolf--last of the Kai Lords--is far from complete. A new and deadly challenge awaits you in Book 5 of the Lone Wolf series entitled: Shadow on the Sand.

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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 11-22-2009 at 09:51 PM.
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