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Old 11-24-2009, 01:31 PM   #132
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
I am in a narrow corridor. All of the palace guards AND the Drakkarim are searching for me intently. I reach a door on the other end that opens into a balcony. There is a stair that descends to a bridge that goes over to another tower. I can descend the stairs to the gardens or to the bridge. I choose the bridge, because I bet the grounds are the first places to get searched right now.

I arrive at the small marble tower. Two flights of marble stairs meet me. I see Drakkarim entering the bridge. I have to go up, down or use Sixth Sense. My sense tells me that palace guards are coming up the stairs to my landing, so I go up.

The stairs are high and steep. The Drakkarim are just a dozen or so steps behind me, so I push myself. I get to a platform where a huge kettledrum is used by the palace guards to send messages. I can try to roll it down the stairs or just keep going. I choose to send it back. The copper drum crashes down easily, it was not supported well. It makes a big noise as the enemy screams and squelches. I scattered my pursuers and yet I am trapped at the top of this tower. I am asked if I have rope. I do.

I try to lower myself to the gardens, it’s the only thing I can do. As I lower myself, a few enemy soldiers get to the top of the tower and saw my rope in half, and I drop into the gardens. I am instructed to pick a number and I get a 4. I fall okay, into some water. It is a sculptured pool. Everybody watched me fall and are converging on the gardens. I can follow a winding path, climb the stairs to a small door or use Tracking. Tracking tells me the path goes to the Zakhan’s private Arboretum, while the portal goes to a private chamber in the upper palace. I decide to stay on ground level and head to the Arboretum.
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