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Old 11-24-2009, 02:32 PM   #136
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
I look around and see Banedon skewered by a spear in his left arm. I run to help him.

Drakkar CS 18, EP 25

I roll a 2 and he takes 10 and me 2. I roll a 3 and he takes 11 and me 2. I roll and 2 and kill him. I took 6.

As I kill him, another Kraan-Rider swoops in to attack and fires a crossbow aimed at my body, but I hear a sharp metallic sound as Banedon erects a shield around us and the bolt is deflected. I free the spear that pins him. It appears he has been promoted to Journeymaster based on his new robes. I take him to the helm - a crystal sphere with hundreds of facets set on a slim and glowing silver rod. I hear an explosion.

The smoke clears on deck and I see a smiling dwarf with a tube of smoking steel and a Kraan with a hole in its wing flies off. At first I think them magical staves but then I notice all of the dwarves are carrying them. The noise and smoke scares off the remaining Kraan. These are the dwarves from the mountain kingdom of Bor, famed for its inventions.

Banedon steers the ship to the Dahir Pass and I am asked to pick a number, which is 5. As the Bor dwarves begin to throw off the corpses of the dead, one Drakkar jumps to life and screams and charges at me, weapon drawn. He throws his axe at me and then follows it. If I have Hunting or Sixth Sense, I am to go to a certain passage that tells me my skill enabled me to dodge. He is shot by a dwarf’s stick and pushed off the edge of the ship.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 11-24-2009 at 02:32 PM.
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