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Old 11-28-2009, 08:56 PM   #302
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Perched on a bough overhanging the roof is a gigantic black-winged bird. Seated on its back is a magnificent warrior dressed in scarlet silk and polished silver mail. His head is crowned by an elaborate helmet, its visor formed in the shape of a roaring dragon with jewelled eyes and fiery breath. The tangled branches prevent the bird from landing, but a rope ladder hangs from its saddle and the warrior uses it to climb down on to the roof. He leaps the last few feet and his landing disturbs the dense mist that carpets the surface, rolling it back to reveal two glowing golden spheres of crystal, each filled with fire, lying close to where he now stands. He crouches down and your stomach churns with dread as you see him reach out to grab the golden Lorestones.

I use a bow.

You draw an arrow and take aim as he stoops to snatch the Lorestones with his gloved hands. But he is covered in heavy mail and, even at such close range, there are few places where you can be sure that your arrow will pierce his armour.

I fire at his chest and try to penetrate the chain mail armor. Success and it goes deep, but the warrior just roars in pain and continues, grabbing the lorestones and putting them in a pouch. I draw a hand weapon and move forward.

Scarlet Warrior CS 25, EP 30.

I roll a 2 and a 0. I took three and I am instructed by the text to turn to a new page:


Breathless and bleeding, the warrior evades your skilful attacks by leaping for the rope ladder and holding fast. From there he shouts a command and the giant black bird takes to the air, lifting him off the roof. A wave of panic engulfs you. In desperation you leap up and strike a blow at the velvet sack swinging from his belt. He tries to fend off your attack but his position is precarious. Your blow strikes home, slitting open the velvet and gashing deep into the back of his gloved hand. He drops his sword and one of the two Lorestones tumbles from the sack and falls into the graveyard below, coming to rest close to the door of the Sepulchre. Yet he manages to save the second Lorestone from falling and, with a parting curse, you watch as he is lifted above the trees and carried away into the cold, grey sky.

Peering over the parapet, you try to locate the Lorestone, but it is impossible to see through the eerie blue carpet of grave mist. You are about to leave the roof when you hear a thrumming noise, like the sound of wild and discordant drumming. You peer in the direction of the noise and see a line of hulking shapes shambling towards the gaps in the perimeter wall. Instantly you recognize them--they are Agtah, the hideous creations of the Chaos-master.

Spurred on by anger and fear, you race through the inner sanctum of the Sepulchre and skid to a halt outside its great door. There, shrouded in mist, you discover the body of your guide, his chest torn open and blackened by a bolt of power that claimed his life. You kneel to close his sightless eyes and immediately sense that the Lorestone is close at hand. Guided by instinct you race towards the Lorestone but, as you are running past the entrance to a crypt, you are set upon by a pair of snarling chaos-creatures.

Agtah Scouts CS 26, EP 21

Immune to Mindblast, and Huntmastery prevents loss of CS due to their swift attack.

I roll a 2, 1 and 2. Ouch. I took 13, they took 11. I roll a 7. Them 9, me 1. I finish with a 0 and kill them. I took 14. I am at 21/37


You leap over the bodies of the dead Agtah and press on with your search. Ahead you see a glimmer of gold in the pale blue luminescence and you thrust your hand towards it into the mist. A tingling sensation runs the length of your arm, filling your body with an incredible sense of strength and well being as you close your hand around the Lorestone and hold it up before your eyes.

Fully healed.
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