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Old 11-29-2009, 02:00 PM   #339
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
''Grand Master . . . the quest must begin without delay for time is not our ally,' says Lord Rimoah, as he paces nervously back and forth across the flagstoned floor of your monastery chamber. You voice your agreement and call upon your wise friend to counsel you as best he can about the mission you have undertaken. Not entirely to your surprise, you learn that he has already made preparation, confident in the knowledge that you would agree to this dangerous quest. He has arranged for you to travel to the Freeland of Palmyrion where a guide is waiting to escort you to Ruel. The guide can guarantee safe passage to the borders of the dark realm, but no further.

Rimoah tells you that little is known of Ruel, save that the unnatural forest which surrounds and protects the Cenerese stronghold of Mogaruith harbours creatures that are the stuff of nightmares. Some almost defy description. The poor wretches who survived the last ill-conceived, ill-fated invasion of Ruel, spoke of their encounters with gigantic, acid-spitting worms that rose up out of the ground without warning and devoured whole regiments of their comrades at a single stroke. They told also of the battles that were waged against ferocious packs of disease-ridden rat-creatures they called 'Vazhag'. The Cenerese breed these sentient vermin in warrens deep below Mogaruith, then release them into the forest to patrol and gather food for even viler abominations that rarely venture beyond the walls of their stronghold.

'Truly I wish that I were able to tell you more, Lone Wolf, but so little is known of Ruel. It is a dark and sinister place. Yet, there is something else, something that I can give you which will aid your quest,' says Rimoah, and he holds out his hand. In his palm is the phial of green liquid, the vaccine that will, at least, protect you from the plague which threatens to destroy so much of your beloved world. You take it, uncork it, then quickly swallow the bitter contents. Unexpectedly your stomach rebels and a wave nausea rises up which makes you slap a hand over your mouth. A few moments later the nausea fades and you are able to remove your hand and speak.

'How long will it protect me?' you ask, queasily.

Rimoah smiles. 'Oh, I'm sure you will be safe for some considerable time, Lone Wolf. I'm afraid I forgot to mention that the phial contained a concentrated vaccine, more than sufficient to protect a hundred men!'

Within the space of a few short hours you are ready to begin your long journey south to Palmyrion. Having entrusted the monastery to the care of your Kai Masters, you and Lord Rimoah leave by means of a secret tunnel, one of several that you have had constructed to enable you to enter and leave the monastery unobserved. You emerge in a clearing at the heart of the Fryelund forest, at a place where Guildmaster Banedon is waiting patiently to welcome you aboard Skyrider, his flying ship. Here you take time to bid farewell to Lord Rimoah, who will await your return at the monastery, before climbing aboard and placing yourself in the charge of your old friend Banedon.

Banedon issues the order to his dwarven crew to set a course for Palmyrion. Then, as the hum of the craft's powerful engine rises in pitch, he ushers you into his cabin where a welcoming meal awaits. Effortlessly the Skyrider ascends into the moonless sky and speeds southwards across Sommerlund's forested heartland, while you endeavour to enjoy your friend's good food and company and try not to dwell too much on the daunting task that lies ahead. Together you reminisce about past times spent aboard the Skyrider, and recall the adventures you shared in the far-away lands of Anari and Vassagonia.

A few hours later, as your airborne voyage is nearing completion, the conversation turns to the quest in hand. Banedon tells you that you are bound for the Palmyrion city of Holona where your guide, Captain Cearmaine, is patiently awaiting your arrival. At once you recognize the name; you recall having heard tell of the Captain's feats of bravery during the Darklands War where his actions won more than a single battle and earned him commendations from more than a dozen Freeland nations. Lord Rimoah has served you well, for in all of central Magnamund you could not have wished for a better guide than Cearmaine.

It is an hour after midnight when the Skyrider passes over the glimmering waters of the River Reloni and descends towards the flat-roofed Canatarium, the largest of Holona's eight municipal halls. There you are greeted by the Captain, a man whose proud face bears the scars of his many battles. He offers his hand in friendship and you are mildly shocked when your fingers close around a palm crafted of cold steel.

'A keepsake from the Battle of Vellino,' he says, raising his metal hand so that you may inspect it in the light of the Skyrider's bow lanterns. 'Alas, the first was stole away by a Drakkar's axe.'

Captain Cearmaine is eager to leave Holona before sunrise. His carriage awaits to take you south to his command at Stonewatch, a military fortification which stands within sight of the Forest of Ruel. Before you leave, Banedon wishes you success and godspeed. He and his crew will be awaiting you here in Holona in readiness to return you to Sommerlund once the quest has been accomplished. You bid your old friend a fond farewell then settle yourself down into the plush comfort of the Captain's carriage.

For four hours you are lost in dreamless slumber as the carriage wends its way across a hundred miles of open grassland trail. When next you open your eyes it is to the sight of a grey dawn breaking over the Palmyrion plain, and the sound of a sentry's war-horn announcing your arrival at Stonewatch. A company of horsemen, each clad like the Captain in ring-mail armour and a flowing chequered tunic of crimson and blue, emerge from the outpost and ride forward to meet the carriage. The Captain acknowledges their salute and watches with pride as faultlessly they change formation to escort the carriage through the outpost's stout wooden gate. Beyond lies a drill square that, even at this early hour, resounds to the shouts of command and the measured stamp of soldiers' feet. You disembark near a watchtower and swiftly the Captain ushers you inside and leads you to his quarters on the uppermost level.

You spend the day in his company and together you discuss your approach to Mogaruith while you wait for night to fall. After careful study of his maps, the Captain proposes two possible routes by which you can reach the Cenerese stronghold. The most direct way is to enter the Forest of Ruel and journey due east. This is by far the shortest way, but it could also prove to be the most perilous. You recall Rimoah's account of what lurks in this dread forest and the memory alone is enough to send a shiver coursing down your spine. The alternative is to journey southwards into the Skardos Mountains and enter one of the many subterranean passages that pass through that range. If you can find your way to the Skardos trail, the secret route by which the Cenerese enter and leave their realm, you should be able to follow it all the way to Mogaruith. Consult the map before making your decision.

(Let’s rock the forest.)

Shortly before midnight, you and the Captain ride out of Stonewatch on two fine Slovarian steeds. It is another moonless night and the plain is shrouded by darkness, yet you have no difficulty in seeing the terrain that lies ahead. Using your natural Magnakai skill of Huntmastery, every flowing contour of the grassy plain is revealed to you. The Captain is not so gifted, but the special spectacles he wears fully compensate for his lack of night vision. They were a token of gratitude from the Arch-Chief of Chaman for his services in defense of the city of Gleesh during the war against the Darklords, and often they have been of use to the Captain when scouting his country's border with Ruel.

In less than an hour you arrive at a grassy knoll which overlooks the dense, forbidding wall of trees that is the Forest of Ruel. You are dismounting when something causes you to halt mid-way. You perceive a scent being carried on the night air: it is the heavy, cloying stench of decay.

'There is great evil here,' says the Captain, observing your reaction. 'You would not be thought faint-hearted were you to return with me to Stonewatch.'

'I will return to your fortress, Captain,' you reply, your voice quietly resolute, 'but not until my task at Mogaruith has been completed.'

The Captain smiles and raises his steely hand in a salute to your brave determination. 'Very well, my lord. So be it. Until that glad day dawns I shall pray for your safety and success.'

Then he brings his horse about, takes yours by the reins, and bids you a final farewell before heading back to Stonewatch. 'May the gods watch over you and deliver us swiftly from the darkness of Mogaruith.'
You return his salute and watch as he gallops away with your steed in tow. Then, when finally he disappears, you turn to observe the gloomy forest perimeter. At first, the tangle of underbrush and trees appear to be so interwoven that they form an impregnable wall. Yet, at length, you see that there are two points where entry is possible. The first is where a sickly stream emerges from the forest to feed a stagnant, scum-encrusted pond; the second is where a tree has fallen and torn a hole in the thorny briars.
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