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Old 12-02-2009, 04:47 PM   #110
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Originally Posted by CamEdwards View Post
This, in a nutshell, is why I really can't take the global warming crowd all that seriously (and frankly, why I don't pay as much attention to the issue as I probably should).

San Francisco, Amsterdam Work Toward Sustainability

So the mayor of San Francisco flew to Bangalore, India to put on a presentation with a muckety-muck from Cisco about how citizens can (and presumably should) be more aware of the effect their actions have on the environment.

He flew to Bangalore with the guy from Cisco. They couldn't hold a fucking video conference? According to the carbon footprint calculator I used, Newsom's flight alone had a carbon footprint of nearly 7 tons. It just seems to me that if global warming were such a real concern, the chief proponents of lifestyle change would be... you know... changing their lifestyles.

I will probably get flamed for this, but it kinda reminds me of Al Gore having a ridiculously expensive electric bill while telling everyone else to turn down their power usage....

FWIW, I am pretty much in the middle on this topic. I believe in the concept of global warming, but have my doubts as to how much is actually our fault. Obviously we should do what we can to lessen our impact on the earth, but a lot of it appears to be media hype and political propaganda. Just my $0.02.
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