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Old 12-07-2009, 08:57 AM   #50
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Mays Landing, NJ USA
As you wait out the day trying to determine what to do next and just who may be infected the tension is mounting. Every noise causes someone to jump. Some muffled whimpers are heard as the stress is causing everyone to react in rather different manners.

A shouting match is heard between two people over something as simple as where they were sitting. Everyone turns to look but it has settled down and peace seems to be restored.

One of you turns on the television and you can't believe your eyes. This is not the only place that has been infected. You see stories of entire towns being wiped out. The National Guard has been called in and martial law is in effect.

Then you hear laughter, the most evil laughter that you have ever heard. "Everyone will pay!!!"

Who said that? Everyone looks around to see but each person has a different opinion of where the voice came from. No one know for certain, but it is definitely someone among you. Terror grips you from within. Can you survive this? If you survive in here, what will happen outside? Is your fate sealed?
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