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Old 01-25-2010, 08:29 PM   #296
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
Originally Posted by EagleFan View Post
another dola: CF already said he was going to change his vote if needed to keep it a tie so why would I stick my neck out like that as a wolf? If the warlock is on darth it would still be discovered and darth would be even more suspicious therefore handing you 3 wolves.

I'm just asking that you think these things through before doing a dubb "panties in a bunch" vote.

Well, other questions are: why would you stick your neck out there like a villager if you knew CF was just going to tie it anyway?

Second question, why would you wait until the last second when there may not be a chance for CF to tie it, or when a bunch of people might hurriedly try to tie it and screw things up (as happened)?
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