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Old 02-17-2010, 04:06 PM   #2
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Mays Landing, NJ USA
General Rules

- Daily deadline 9:00 PM EST, votes and actions will be taken up to and including a 9:00 PM timestamp. Once the timestamp his 9:01 the deadline has passed.

- At the deadline the first result processed will be the even results.

- Once the even results are announced the lynch result will be tabulated and announced.

- After the lynch results are announced the night actins will be run and announced. Order of night actions: defensive, scanning, killing

- Tie lynch vote means no lynch.

- A no lynch means no night kill.

- A no lynch means no scan.

PM Rules

- Team members may send 3 PM's to their fellow team-mates during the course of a game day (after the previous day's results until the next day's deadline).

- Wolves have unlimited PM rights.

- NO PM's may be discussed in thread, exceptions will be noted in PM's which I send (such as the seer getting a scan result, revealing that willbe up to them and noted in the PM). This means that if a wolf messes up and sends the other members of his team (competition, not wolves) an incorrect PM which reveals he is a wolf those who received that information may not mention it in the game thread. They can vote on what they have discovered but they can't tell the rest of the group what they discovered from "insider information".

Competition Rules

- The number of teams, and number of players per team will be determined by the number of players.

- Each day a competition will be announced. At the time of the competition being announced the decisions available to the teams will be announced.

- Each player will be given a certain strength and weakness which they will know. The decisions and actions taken by the teams will determine the odds for the results.

- Actions taken during the competitions can affect the night action results (if the BG left it all on the ice that day, the odds of a successful block may decrease).

- The team that wins a competition will have an advantage available to them during the night phase (such as increased chance of surviving an attack, or maybe increased chane of a successful attack). One of the choices made by the team will be which team member will benefit from the advantage if they win.


- Not all roles may be used in the game (total number of players to determine).

Villager Roles

Seer - Standard seer role. Each night will select one person to scan. Will discover if they are villager or wolf (unless scanning the cunning).

Bodyguard - May select one player each night to protect. May self protect. Cannot protect the same person two nights in a row. Will not learn of an attack if it happens.

Duke - One time during the game may alter the lynch result (may either chose a person to lynch or change the result to a no lynch).

Fool - Thinks they are the seer. My submit a scan each night. The results will be completely random (based upon the number of wolves to the total remaining number or players). Example: If there are 10 players left and 3 are wolves there will be a 30% chance that any scan comes back wolf.

Soothsayer - May select a statement posted in the thread and determine the truthfulness of that statement. May use this ability once.

Judge - You are secretly an olympic judges as well as competitor. Once during the competitions you may use your "ability" to rig the results of the competition so that your team wins. Using this ability will cause you to be night killed if any member of your team is targeted during that night regardless of the outcome of that kill (if a BG block happens you are still killed, if your team-mate is killed you will still be killed as well).

Vanilla - No special ability for night actions buta valuable member of their team

Wolf Roles

Brutal - If lynched you will take out a random villager, if duked to you will take out the duke.

Cunning - If scanned you will come up as a villager.

Slut - You may choose a villager each night and prevent them from performing an action. You may not select the same villager twice during the game.

Juicer - HGH is your friend, you may chose to use your ability for an event that requires strength and fix the results. If you use this ability and a member of your team is scanned that night the person performing the scan will also scan you.

Cultist - You win with the wolves but you count towards the villager numbers. You will learn the identity of a wolf upon the first vote for a wolf each day but no more than one wolf identity per day. Example: If EagleFan was a wolf and received the first vote on day one you would learn that he was a wolf. If BK was a wolf and received the second vote you would not learn his identity.

Wolf - No special night ability but a valuable member of their team.


Defector - You start the game as a villager but if night attacked you will be converted to a wolf. You win with whatever team you end the game on.


Curling - Your team will compete as a team and win (or lose) as a team. Requires Strength and Precision.

Halfpipe - Individual competition, win gold for your team. Requires Precision. Judged.

Downhill - Individual competition, race on the edge and go for gold. Requires Strength and Stamina.

Hockey - Compete as a team. Require Strength and Stamina.

Speed Skating - Individual competition. Requires Stamina.

Short Track Speed Skating - Individual competition. Requires Stamina and Precision.

Figure Skating - Individual competition. Requires Precision. Judged

Bobsled - Team competition. Requires Precision and Stamina.

Skeleton - Individual competition. Requires Precision and Stamina.


- All players will start the game with 10 effort. Applying that effort to an event will increase your chances.

- Bonus effort may be awarded for winning competitions as part of the team reward.

Team Standings

- Gold = 5 pts
- Silver = 3 pts
- Bronze = 1 pt

- The team with the most points at the end of the game wins the event stage of the game

- A team will be eligible for events as long as at least one team member is still in the game

Last edited by EagleFan : 02-23-2010 at 02:29 PM.
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