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Old 04-02-2010, 01:57 AM   #35
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Alberta
My thoughts are these:

I'm going to assume from the lack of dissent and the lack of volunteers that I'll be organizing things from here on out I think those of us that do miss our beloved FOWL want to get the ball rolling so I'm gonna hopefully do that. So let's discuss the issues:

On the issue of uploading, I've never handled anything more than me and a couple friends as far as being a commish goes. I'm not aware of other options, but even if it came down to just accepting files via emails from 6 owners, I'll do whatever works best.

That fact and other things have me leaning towards a league reboot. I really don't want that to happen, but it may be best. Reasons include:
  • With the many seasons we have under 6.2 and all the rule shifts and new things that've been tried in this league, especially the QB/WR nerf and un-nerf, Our stats are skewed and as a stats-junkie it always bothers me when the record books no longer reflect the current state of the league.
  • I believe it would help greatly in recruiting more owners. I do not actually feel it is necessary to have more than a handful of owners to make the league enjoyable, but it's always nice.
  • We can feel more free to institute any more changes we want in the rules.
  • The league sims fast so lost efforts in team-building during the last few weeks will be easily overcome by the excitement of building from scratch.
  • We can start with fresh team selection. If bako is in and wants a team in Bakerton, for example, I'll make it happen with any team he wants during the initial setup of the league.
That being said, I'm happy to continue with the current league if even a couple owners really really want to.

So, post here to state your conditions for continuing with FOWL.

The all-important thing to me is that I want a fast-simming FoF league (you can't get too fast for me, I would do a season/week if I had enough people but I understand that for most people the current schedule works best) and that the league has a very active free agency. I think there are a few people who'd agree with me that those things are the very essence of FOWL and what has made it so enjoyable. Any system we wanna come up with to accomplish those goals is fine by me. Other leagues are so slow progressing through seasons that even 6.3 or house rules won't accomplish what they want it to for months.

Subby likes the idea of clustering on one side or in one division. I think I could enjoy any setup, but after much thought I think the way I would most prefer is to put two owners in each division. If we can even get 8 teams to stay full it'd be 4 divisions. I wouldn't mind even having it spread to one team per division, but I've always enjoyed having some rivalry and I think two teams per div is perfect also because it'll be less daunting to any newbs we pick up along the way. I'm fairly interested in the idea of putting everyone in the same conference, but not if it's more than 8 teams and I think we can get more than 8 teams and keep them owned. With 8 teams, 2 per div, 2 CPU teams would make the playoffs and most likely 2 human owners would have to at least beat a CPU team in the wildcard or face ridicule.

I think our target market for adding more owners is people who are new to FoF MP, they're more open to new ways of doing things, have more urge to export frequently and can quickly gain an attachment to their team. A lot of these old-timers have clearly lost the sense of novelty I still get from the game . I'm sure I'll lose mine too someday but before then I'd like to play one MP league for 50+ seasons

I also don't overly mind the idea of adding dead cap space to teams to effectively lower our salary cap. Not only do I think that I can still rock big red b4rz no matter what with my cap wizardry , but it will increase the level of competition we get from the computer teams and I think that's a good thing when you have fewer owners. I think it's pretty important actually, that the CPU teams you play not be complete walkovers.

NO RENEGS!?!?!?! That's god damn crazy talk. But it would definitely make for an active free agency. It would also make it so that whatever you offered a player was what you were willing to pay him long term. But overall, I don't think I like it. Part of the enjoyment of the cap juggling for me is being able to maintain a talent base through keeping the right guys around and letting the right ones go. I think it is worth thinking about, but I to me it takes away an important strategic dimension from the game. I also think it would make it very hard to have Franchise-Type players and that takes away from the feeling of immersion I get from having those players that play every game for your team.
Owner/GM/Head Coach and Towel Boy for the St. Louis Rams.of the FOWL
Owner of the Green Bay Packers of the PFL.
First Response Coordinator of Public Relations Disasters for the Balzac Ticklers of the FOOLX. (retired)
Owner/GM of the soon to be awesome Fort Worth Fury of the IHOF

Last edited by TheMeat : 04-02-2010 at 01:59 AM.
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