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Old 04-24-2010, 02:50 PM   #724
Fast Break Basketball
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Spokane, WA
I just have gotten 2 unhappy players. One is a red/red walkon on a 90 Prs team and the other has been injured all year with an injury

Players won't hold injuries against you but there could be an issue with being homesick or maybe if this is your first season with the team he might be unhappy with the coaching change. Walkons aren't guaranteed to stay with your team. They might try to find a scholarship later.

Yeah, I don't know if it's intentional to make the academically ineligible players unhappy... It's his fault and I can't play em if he's ineligible.

It is intentional. Most players aren't affected but I don't think it is unrealistic that some might become unhappy and leave when they are struggling with their academics.

One other thing Heavyreign, is there a way to put in high school prestige levels and list them on recruiting? With the stats being so elevated, some high schools must be more competitive than others so 30 ppg at one high school can't possibly be equivalent to the Oak Hill type of school right?

There is some variation placed into the stats to account for differences in competition level. I'll have to see if it would be easy to display since I didn't tie it in to the actual high schools listed in the game.

Playing with a higher prestige team, the recruiting is a bit flawed I think. I think distance is weighed extremely heavily in this version. While FBCB1 may have weighed prestige a little too heavily, I find recruiting pretty underwhelming at higher levels. Works great for smaller teams and building up though. Just looking at my top 100 recruits, there's rarely a recruit who travels more than a state away. If they do, it's because they weren't recruited by other teams.

Another thing is I've played a few seasons and have yet to have the ability to redshirt anyone or have a player transfer to me. Might be another works at the lower level type of things.

There may still be some tweaks needed with distance adjustments. From what I've seen 5 star players pay less attention to distance than others.

I'd think it is pretty rare for high level teams to take transfers just because most transfers are looking for a chance to play right away. If you are a good team then your players are probably already better than the available transfers.

Windows 7 64-bit. Bought the game and it will start, but after filling in the information on the first page of the League Creation screen and hitting Continue, the game locks up.

I asked on the other forum if you had made any changes to the default league files. Now I am curious if you can get into the default league editor and make changes? Once the game opens we should be past any issues with the elicense I would think. It seems like the problem would be from loading the data for the league. The install folder shouldn't matter here since the game doesn't write to it.
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