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Old 04-25-2010, 03:50 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
Island of Misfit Toys, Take 6.3 - and an invitation to join in

It's been quite a while since I played an IMT career, and a good deal has changed since I did so. I also have fallen pretty well behind the curve in terms of gameplanning, but from what I hear the more recent FOF game is more welcoming of the concept of "plan around your talent" that seems fairly attractive to me for this sort of thing. Anyway, I'm thinking about giving it a whirl.

Anyhow, I have set up an empty cupboard career -- playing in the Solecismized NFL, a QuikSim through 2009, and starting right after the 2010 draft with the empty-roster Buffalo Bills.

I am intrigued enough by this idea that I thought I'd post the game files, and see if anyone else might be interested in playing along. I honestly don't know what pace I might be able to keep... but we'll see what happens.

Anyway... if you're interested in a different take on FOF, doing some different evaluation of players (a lower grade of guys than you're probably used to), and maybe some collaboration or at least discussion, I'd welcome you to download the files here, and offer your thoughts on what to do from here. I can volunteer that historically, in my IMT careers, the first year tends to put in place an awful lot of guys who stick around for a decade (usually for lack of preferred alternatives) - so year one tends to be pretty important.

If you'd rather just look in and comment, that's fine too, of course. I haven't had a ton of FOF time of late, and it's my hope that I can maybe learn a bit more about the new game with this effort.

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