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Old 05-08-2010, 03:36 PM   #262
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
They move on and get back to the space below the drained pond and go forward. The enter a room where the roof got so wet it caved in. They find nothing in it. They head forward and find an empty pool with blind fish in it, nothing else. A little further is a door, and past that is an arched room with four pillars in it, and a large hallway at the other side. As they explore the room, they hear the singing of a harpy from the next room. Derek is immune. Aleigha makes her save, Alzar and Estaish fail. The harpy flies in, and Derek and Aleigha attack her. Dryshik panics and Mist Balls her. She fails her sails, takes 3 damage and is blinded for 5 rounds. Aleigha misses and Derek misses. The next turn, Derek sneaks around and backstabs the blind harpy for 10 damage. Aleigha Nails her for 4. It dies. The others are freed of her curse. They search her, this room and the next room. Alzar finds a Necklace of Adaptation, a ruby medallion with 800 gold, and jewelry worth 250 total, and a 100x2, 90, 75 and 50x4 gems. Dryshik flies up to its nest way up but nothing visible is up there.

They leave and take a left and arrive at the edge of a large underground pond/pool. This the only area left, they have searched everywhere else (so far). There is a stagnant smell to the area. Who knows how far it goes. It’s about 4’ deep. Alzar sends Dryshik to scoutit out to see where they need to go. It finds several interesting things:

1). There is a hidden boat on a jetty just inside on the other side, which they can walk around to get to
2). They need ot go forward from the entrance
3). There is a pack of crocodiles just lounging on a muddy beach area to the north.

They go around, grab the large rowboat which can hold 10 people, load it up with animal skeletons, and then row to the space to get off and they dismount. The corridor intersects – forward, right or left.

Forward. It’s muddy and dead ends. Nothing here. Right. It dead ends too, and a search turns up a very large and heavy belt pouch bursting with 300 gold and 800 silver.

They go left. The corridor goes for a long time and then ends at a door. Here are three troglodytes in here, and they bang on the walls and heft their stone axes They let off a stench and Alar’s squad coughs – except for him and his undead, which he orders to attack. Alzar’s dagger misses. The skeletons hit one three times in six attempts for 4 damage, hit another once for 1 damage, and hit the third 4 time sfor 5 damage. Two are smashed.

25 left.

Alzar’s staff connects with the most damaged one, and after taking 8, the trog dies. Three more round the bend and arrive. The skeletons kill one and miss the other. The other kills a skeleton


The trogs win init and three more arrive, Alzar has backed up. They kill three skeletons. 21 left. One takes 2, one is ,misse,s and the third takes 9 and dies. Three trogs left, the fourth is missed. They win init and miss all of the skeles (rolled a 1, 2, and 8). The skeles kill one. They win init and wound another for 3 damage. One trog smashes a skele. 20 lef.t The skeles finish off the trogs

XP – 50 each

20 skeletons left

They search this three room trog complex. It stinks, and they find 16 gold, 20 electrum, 57 silver, and 180 copper. Plus stairs down.

They head down.
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