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Old 05-20-2010, 07:34 PM   #444
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
As they move through it, four warriors confront them and start throwing javelins at them from behind cover. They miss. Alzar orders everyone forward and they move out. They fighters are ordered to withdraw in the face of four determined faces into a large chamber. Alzar sends in Megala and takes a quick look. There are the four fighters ordering a defense. A hole has been cut into the ceiling and a rope goes up it, there are more than 20 women and children in the room and someone is calling for more help.

Time to go now. Alzar orders everyone in. The children start scrambling up the rope, the women and men grab weapons. Battle begins. He orders the fighters to concentrate on attacking the warriors they just encountered, in spears and shields to the left.

They win init. The fighters try their spears. Carum and Aleigha are both hit for 5 and 1. Dryshik casts a Wall of Fog at the top of the room to the right where a door is, in order to keep the people that might be in there in there. Alzar casts Faithful Phantom Shield-Maidens. Carum spears a fighter for 6 damage. Aleigha kills her for 4 damage. Three left. Megala causes a local woman to fall asleep. 21 randoms and 3 fighters left.

43/48 – Carum
40/41 – Aleigha

The Shield-Maidens – AC 4, HP 20, THAC0 – 17, Damage 1d6.

Alzar’s group wins init. Aleigha deals 5 damage to a fighter. Est kills him for 12 damage off a crit. Carum hits another for 8 and kills him, leaving just the 5th level fighter leader. She spears Est for 6 damage. Megala misses. The regular people have grabbed slings or javelins and are throwing them. They are concentrating on Alzar, and all miss (cloak). He summons a Searing Serpent in their midst.

39/45 – Estaish

The next round, 14 young men in leather armor and armed with spears and bows come out of a room to the left. Alzar’s group wins Init. Alzar sleeps 6 of the young men. He failed a poison use check and doesn’t notice that the tips of their arrow shafted are all smeared with a gummy vegetable poison. (They are 40’ feet away or so). Only Carum hits the fighter for 5 damage. She nails Carum back for 5. The serpent hits and kills a local for 5 damage. 20 left. Some locals are fleeing from the serpent and moving towards Alzar. Megala hits a local and she falls asleep. 19 left. Dryshik tries to gate in more mephits. Failure. The natives staying in one place swing at the serpent and a few note their weapons go right through it.

38/48 – Carum

8 arrows fly from the young men and pepper the fighters and three come close to hitting, but two ricochet off Estaish’s great armor. One nails Aleigha for 2 damage and she fails her poison save and takes an additional 2 poison damage and is rocked with tremendous pain. -1 to attacks. Several natives try to attack Alzar. All but one miss, and that one misses because of the cloak. The 5th level fighter nails Carum for 3 damage. Only Carum hits her, for 5 back. Alzar ensleeps 5 more young men, with the Sleep from his ring. 3 more young men left. The serpent misses. 1 fighter, 19 tribesmen, 2 young men. More natives get close to Alzar.

36/41 – Aleigha -1 to hit
35/48 – Carum

Alzars group wins init. Out of the Wall of Fog comes the chief and her three sons, and the witchdoctor. The shield maidens swing and kill a tribesman. 18 left. The serpent kills another. 17 left. Megala crits one for 6 damage and kills form that. 16 left. The fighters all miss the female level 5 one. Dryshik is Mist Balling the fighter. She makes her save. Alzar Hypnotizes 7 of the tribemen to drop weapons and fall to the ground. 9 tribesman, 2 young men, 1 l5 fighter, 1 chief, 1 witchdoctor, 3 sons. The fighter speras Estaish for 8 damage. Two arrows fly for misses. The tribesman are ordered to use water on the serpent and manage to put it out. The Witchdoctor gave that order, and then casts Hold Person on just Alzar in order to get that -4 save and it ails (Free Action). The tribesman not attacking the serpent swing at Alzar and He takes 6 from two hits. The chief, with bone armor and a sword and shield, moves forward, with her sons.

31/45 - Estaish
45/51 – Alzar

They win init. Arrows miss. The l5 fighter hits for 3 on Estaish. Tribesmen hit Alzar for 9. The chief and sons have arrived at Alzar and the witchdoctor is moving. The fighter takes 9 from Aleigha and Carum. Megala sleeps a tribesman – 8 left. Alzar casts Vamp Touch on the chief. 10 damage dealt.

28/45 – Estaish
46/51- Alzar

They win init again. Two arrows miss. The fighter misses. Alzar takes 3 from tribesmen. The sons and chief all attack Alzar. Only the sons hit, and thus miss. The chief does not hit. They rolled 9, 17, 18, 19 – normally great but not in that first round. The witchdoctor arrives. Dryshik Moist balls the fighter and success. She is blinded for five rounds and takes 5 damage. Only Carum hits her for 4 damage, and he orders Aleigha and Estaish to join him next round. Megala rakes a tribesman for 2 damage but she makes her save. Shield-Maidens hit one tribesmen for 3 damage and he is still rocking. Time to change the odds. He drops a skull with a skull trap on it, while still far away from hs allies. Everybody takes 26 or a save to 13. The tribesmen are dead. The conjured cannot take the damage, so the maidens are immune. Alzar takes 13from a save. Only the middle son makes the save and the others fail and die. The chief makes the save. The witchdoctor makes it too. 2 young men, blinded fighter, 13 damage to middle son and witchdoctor and 23 to chief.


Alzar’s group wins init. Carum kills the l5 fighter with a hit of 8 damage. Aleigha and Estaish arrive to back up Alzar. Megala is sent over to the young men and misses. The shield maidens miss. Alzar aims for ht witchdoctor with his staff. He hits for 4. The witchdoctor casts cause light wounds and he takes 8. Both the chief and her son miss. An arrow hits Carum for 1 damage and he nails his save. They make a morale save

34/48 – Carum

They win init and Alzar takes 13 from the son and another Cause Light wounds. An arrow hits Carum for three. He misses the save and takes 2 more and a -1 to hit. Carum runs to the archers. Megala misses one. Alzar misses. The shield-maidens miss twice. Est is aiming for the son and misses. Aleigha misses the chief. A big ol turn of misses. No one even rolled double digits.

29/48 – Carum – -1 to hit

They win init. The maidens kill the witchdoctor for 11 damage off a crit and another hit. Est kills the son after a hit of 9. Aleigha hits the chief for 5. Carum misses Megala misses. They fail their morale check and the two young men break. A Mist Ball hits one for a crit of 6 damage and the man dies. The other is escaping and Megala follows, leaving just the chief, who makes her save (her sons are dead, her tribe is dead, she knows nothing is left for her – at this point, why run?) Alzar slides back out of the way of her sword. She stabbed at Aleigha for 6.

30/41 – Aleigha

Megala rakes the final young man and puts him to sleep. Estaish nails the chief for 8 damage and she dies.

They kill th sleeping ones. The children were able to escape. They search this five room complex and find nine young girls who are covering in two rooms, and tie them up.

XP – 500 each

They find:

+1 spear given to Carum.
+2 bastard sword
Gems worth 1200, 1000, 800, 500 and 50
Potion (Flying)
Six furs worth 100 gold each
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