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Old 05-20-2010, 09:22 PM   #446
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
They leave behind the room they fell into, pass some waterlogged jails, and enter a passageway and can do right or left Right to a door, left to a bend in the corridor. Right.

The door opened and this is filled with 20 feet of water and there are stairs into the deep water. Alzar orders the armored ones to stay at the corridor and he moves in. He dives underwater and searches around. Two giant crabs are moving towards him and his group from underwater and have just hit the base of the stairs. He surfaces and tells everybody to move back ad fight them in the corridor, which is still 5 feet underwater.

They arrive and battle begins. Everybody but Alzar is at -4 to hit and -2 to damage underwater due to drag on weapons. Alzar’s staff misses. Aleigha cracks one for 1 damage. Alzar is hit twice, oh but the cloak saves him. The crabs win init and miss. One takes 7 from Aleigha. 8 total so far. They win and Alzar crits the damaged one for 12 and damages it badly. Carum pierces it with he spear for 4 and kills it. The other one miss. It goes first and misses. It takes 6 from Aleigha. It wins init again and Alzar takes 18 from a giant pincer. Alzar hits for 4. They win init and Alzar crits again for 6. Est hits for 6. It dies.

XP – 100 each
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