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Old 05-26-2010, 11:31 PM   #521
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
There are two pieces of washed up wood and Alzar straps them to his back in case they need more wood for torches, or use as clubs. Carum, with Deep Diving, heads underwater . He can stay under water for a really long time with a high constitution and Deep Diving proficiency. There is an iridescent fungi down here that illuminates the area.

Carum emerges in a small lair and there is another crab here. He slings it and hits for 4 damage and it moves toward him. He grabs the dagger and swings. He misses. It misses him twice. It wins init and misses again. He crits it for 8 damage and kills it. There is nothing here, so he dives again.

As Carum is underwater, there is a tremendous tremor that tears the rock and he is spurred on.

After a search, he finds a place with breathable air above the water, gulps in some, and then keeps searching. Carum senses a current and ascends and finds the beach of the island. He has made it out. He dives back in and shows up. The dive can be completed by them in three steps – dive to the crab chamber, dive to the place where there is breathable air, and then dive again and emerge on the beach. They follow and make it out. The labyrinth was damaged severely.

The cave behind the party has collapsed a few moment after they emerge. The sea is frothing in several areas. On the island behind the party is a 30’ tall bluff, and parts of it are crumbling. A huge dark cloud has risen on the other side of the island, where the supposed “extinct” volcano lies. They move towards the outpost of Suderham quickly. As they do, they pass through a section of beach covered with wrack and wreckage from the waves heaving. They run into a green slime and Alzar manages to pull them back just in time, and they run around it. There is a giant snapper turtle and they move inland to avoid it, off the beach. They barely avoid being trampled by a herd of goats coming through.
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