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Old 05-27-2010, 11:36 PM   #54
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Oct 2000
Monday Night Week 5

The last time we played this team they 10 runned us both games. I had been telling the guys that I didn't think they were quite as good of hitters as it seemed, but the temperature was very cool and the balls were jumping because of it. Quite the opposite on temps tonight as it was around 90 at game time. Since this team still plays at Fenton the mush balls were in play and I had a feeling it was going to equalize things quite a bit.

We started out pretty rough in the field. I personally failed to cover the bag on a play with two outs that led to 3 runs after the fact. We weer down 6-0 after a half inning. We gave up 1 more run in the 2nd inning, but that was the last run we gave up the rest of the game. This team played some pretty inspired defense tonight. By far the best I have ever seen them play defensively.

We hit nicely up and down the lineup in the first game as well. No super human efforts, but nice solid hitting that just continually kept putting up 3-4 or so runs an inning. We ended up taking the first game 17-7 in 6 innings. It was pretty nice to put a beating on these guys since they handed to us so badly the last time we played them.

I had a nice first game at the plate. I went 3 for 4 with 2 singles and a double. I also had 3 RBIs and 2 runs scored.

We kept up the fine defensive play in the second game as well. It would be 4 innings before we gave up a run. So we had an 8 inning scoreless streak there. That's a fairly impressive feat in slow pitch softball. The hitting on our side of the innings was very similar to the first game. Nice steady output with a couple of dry innings in the middle. Overall though this game was never in question. We closed them out 14-3 in 6 innings.

My 2nd game was very similar to my first. Once again I was 3 for 4, but they were all singles this time. The defense started lining up against me in an odd formation. I had two of my 3 hits in the first game as line drives into RF and RC. So they moved the RF way in on me, like 20 feet behind first base in, and then shifted everyone else over towards RF. So accordingly I roped line drives into LF in my next two at bats. I am not certain what led them to believe I couldn't pull the ball. Final line on the game for me:

6/8, 5 1B, 1 2B, 6 RBIs, 5 Runs

Monday Night Team Record: 6-4

This team is starting to play some decent ball. We are a good bit better than I thought they would be at the end of the season. We may end up winning the session if we can take both games next week. On a side note the ball flew every bit as badly as I thought it would in the heat. I am so happy I moved my Wednesday team out of here.
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