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Old 05-31-2010, 08:37 PM   #612
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
They leave and travel through the ocean. The going is pretty quiet, and roughly 20 miles into their journey. They come across a sunken sailing skip looming ahead. The second of its three masts is broken and its keel is open and exposed and it leaves a hole on the side. The ship was a large sailing ship.

Alzar gives Aleigha a Ring of Free Action for just this adventure and it replaces her Fire Resist ring. They two of them leave the boat and swim around. They swim inside and find a startled triton. He appears frightens and begs for mercy, but suddenly, Aleigha growls and changes into a werebear. The tritons sees her in shock, and then turns into a wereshark.

Battle begins. Aleigha is bitten for 13. She bites back for 2. Alzar adds 18. They win init and Alzar adds 13. Aleigha hits twice for 7 and he dies.

XP – 500 for Alzar and Aleigha

She changes back and they search the wereshark’s lair.

9000 cp
4 gems 100 each
2 pieces of jewelry worth 500 each
Wand of Treasure Location – 5 charges

They head back to the boat and continue one. A group of 6 sea snakes approaches, and then decide better and look for a meal elsewhere. The sea sometimes teeming with life, and sometimes can be quite vacant of it.
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