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Old 06-12-2010, 10:37 AM   #670
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Three are six tunnels leading out. The air is quite breathable. Alzar takes…#5 (random) 4 intersections. Forward is a dead end. Back, left is down. They run into an Earth Elemental which just lumbers past and ignores them. Maybe Alzar’s Mud Ring or the Earth Elemental with them? One exit back to starting room. Go down. Empty cave. Go down to huge cavern. Nothing. Return to intersection and other direction. Dead ends. All quiet. Run into crystal ooze on way back moving around. They attack and kill it with fire. Last road from intersection reveals cavern with gate symbol. Return to first room and take #3 of the 4 left. Wind up in grotto. Nothing. Take side path down and arrive in cave. Nothing. See entrance back to starting room, can continue down. Left or right. Left. Nothing and south cave with nothing. On way back to right path, run into Stone Giant wandering. Alzar talks with it, and it is wondering how to get out of here, and lead its family home. Alzar does not know, and is looking too. It nods, and they both continue.

Right path and down or right? Down. They run into chamber with 5 Chaggrin Grues.

Elemental grues are lower power elementals with an evil disposition. These move in. Alzar cannot control them on their own plane, even a Node of it, orders everything back and uses a Ring to cast Skulltrap and clears out the whole room.

XP – 4200 for Alzar

They search for treasure. They find:

21gems – 50 gp each
2000 sp
300 gp Gold Ring
And a Power Gem for the Orb. When Alzar takes it up, they transport o the Fire Node.
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