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Old 06-15-2010, 03:12 PM   #42
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME

With the influx of new members to the camp, the available hands increases, as does the need for food. The former Villagers carry some food and shelter materials with them, including the things they've won in reward challenges. People go to work incorporating these materials into a larger, more weatherproof shelter. There's still work that could be done, but the shelter does in fact work much better by the end of the day. Your exposure to the elements is greatly reduced.

The Villagers bring some food along as well, and a number of people go out to gather more, Danny and Chesapeake bringing back some nice catches of fish. There's enough for everyone to eat today, but not enough stored for the next day.

With adequate food, fire and a workable shelter, each of you loses three health points (to be processed after the challenge).
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