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Old 08-03-2010, 11:22 AM   #119
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Originally Posted by JediKooter View Post
Supernatural theories require supernatural evidence. It ain't there. The universe IS natural. To fall back on "god did it" is lazy and speaks nothing of us humans wanting to know more and continually advancing our knowledge of the universe. Just because we don't have the answer now, does not mean that 'god did it'.

True, but "supernatural" is just a word we use for fields that we really don't know shit about. It doesn't mean there's nothing to it at all. The field of Astronomy used to be "supernatural".

"God did it" may be lazy, but so is concluding that there is nothing to the universe beyond what our limited minds can currently test scientifically.

We really don't know anything about the brain, and about any kind of force that has been vaguely described as "spirtuality" (but can be theorized and speculated about, based on our limited experiences, in a million different ways.)

I tend to think that the "truth" - unattainable to us currently, would blow our minds with regards to the workings of our brain, and the "spirtual".

Last edited by molson : 08-03-2010 at 11:25 AM.
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