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Old 08-03-2010, 06:15 PM   #133
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
Originally Posted by revrew View Post
In fact, far from accepting the supernatural is "inherently unprovable," I believe it was proven and demonstrated conclusively in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. So sincerely do I believe it, that were I to trust in that truth or what I see with my own two eyes, I would believe Jesus. I admit as much.

I can follow this line of thinking this far. But if one can accept that you can know something, which is not provable by "natural" evidence to another, how is one supposed to distinguish between you, who claim that you have proof of the truth behind Jesus' life and death, and another who claims to have the proof behind Allah, or another with another supernatural or religious truth? How are those of us who have not seen one of these proven in our own lives supposed to distinguish between those of you who are certain of a supernatural truth, yet disagree? Does it not seem possible to you that others of different faiths are just as absolutely certain as you are about a different supernatural truth?
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