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Old 08-03-2010, 07:02 PM   #135
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Originally Posted by JediKooter View Post
I'm sorry that you feel what I wrote as snotty. It sounds like you are trying to avoid having to defend your position (which is your prerogative), but, when you hear over and over again by people that believe in a god, yet show zero evidence to support their position, you have to be a bit skeptical when they start talking about the 'natural' world. If someone started spouting stuff that isn't in the bible or just isn't true, I'm sure you would raise a skeptical eyebrow or two.

"In fact, far from accepting the supernatural is "inherently unprovable," I believe it was proven and demonstrated conclusively in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. So sincerely do I believe it, that were I to trust in that truth or what I see with my own two eyes, I would believe Jesus. I admit as much."

Just going off what you said: So, Big Foot exists, faeries, the aether, Thetans, Thor, Oden, and elves? There's just as much evidence for them existing as there is your jesus and your god.

If that seems snotty or anything, I'm sorry you feel that way and I'm not demanding a reply from you. Also understand that I don't believe in any religion or god/gods and am also not required to respect them and if that comes across as too crass, well, not much I can do about that. I will respect the person, regardless if I think they are right or wrong.

Again, I apologize if you felt I was being snotty.

There is a heck of a lot of evidence that Jesus was a real person. As to whether all that happened, happened...that's where debate begins. Most people accept he was real though.
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