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Old 08-04-2010, 08:29 AM   #145
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Massachusetts
Just picking out one point...

There's no evidence for his resurrection. Nothing beyond stories told by his followers (who are hardly impartial observers in the matter). It'd be like my best friends getting together after I was dead and made up a joint story to try to further my legacy. Would you just believe them? No. You'd ask for pictures or video or some sort of proof.

But because it happened thousands of years ago we're just supposed to take these guys word for something that is scientifically impossible (insofar as we understand biology these days)?

Nuh uh.

Evidence for the existence of God? Again - it's all stories (a mix of ethical fables and adaptations/explanations of historical events affecting cities/empires/large groups of people) written down either as heresay, or else commonly shared and shaped into a collective narrative by members of a small religious splinter group.

As a historical and sociological document I find the bible fascinating - as a literal "faith tool", not so much.
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