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Old 10-28-2010, 07:03 PM   #272
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Mays Landing, NJ USA
Round 1

Nascimento and Sesimbra moves forwards as the bell indicates the beginning of the fight!

Charro Sesimbra closes the distance with his opponent wanting some action
Bone shattering straight right hand from Charro Sesimbra!
Nascimento ducks under...
Nascimento is trying to counter now!
Good leg kicks from Masayoshi Nascimento.
Sesimbra winces a bit.

As the fight continues it seems that Charro Sesimbra is taking the best of the fight.
Charro Sesimbra leans forwards and tries to grapple with Nascimento
Sesimbra shows his clinching skills. Both fighters are clinching now.

The fighters are clinching.
Charro Sesimbra pushes away Nascimento trying to keep the fight at striking range
Nascimento doesn't want to break the clinch as he still is grappling with Charro Sesimbra

Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Sesimbra is launching some bone breaking punches to Nascimento's ribs while in the clinch.
Nascimento blocks.

The fighters are clinching.
Sesimbra tries to dirty boxing while holds Nascimento against cage
Nascimento is unable to defend himself and receives some punches in the ribs.
Crushing shot to Nascimento's body! He's holding his side

The clock says 0:55 in the 1 round
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Charro Sesimbra tries to shrug his way out of the clinch.
Nascimento is determined to work from the clinch. He pummeled through and managed to retain his position.
Poorly executed technique. Masayoshi Nascimento looks to counter!
Masayoshi Nascimento tries to shrug his way out of the clinch.
Nascimento circles out and slips free of Charro Sesimbra's grip. Nice job of getting out of that position.

Sesimbra wants to take the fight to his field and tries to clinch.
Sesimbra moves forward and holds Nascimento

Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
A dirty boxing lessons by Nascimento who is trying to punish Charro Sesimbra ribs with a few punches.
He scores a few hits before the pain makes Sesimbra react and defend his side.
Charro Sesimbra tries to shrug his way out of the clinch.
Nascimento is determined to work from the clinch. He pummeled through and managed to retain his position.

The fighters are clinching.
Charro Sesimbra pushes away Nascimento trying to keep the fight at striking range
Nascimento doesn't want to break the clinch as he still is grappling with Charro Sesimbra

Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Sesimbra doesn't want to clinch as he ducks under Masayoshi Nascimento embrace and tries to move away...
Masayoshi Nascimento pushes Sesimbra forward and doesn't allow him to break the clinch.

The fighters are clinching.
Multiple well placed knees from Nascimento!
Charro Sesimbra is smart enough to block them!
Steve Mazzagatti separes the fighters and tells them to continue fighting.

Sesimbra wants to take the fight to his field and tries to clinch.
Nascimento wants nothing of that and pushes Sesimbra.
Poorly executed technique. Masayoshi Nascimento looks to counter!
Masayoshi Nascimento fakes a punch and launches himself over Sesimbra!
Nice move by Nascimento who clinches and pushes Sesimbra against the cage

The clock says 2:10 in the 1 round
The fighters are clinching.
Charro Sesimbra tries to shrug his way out of the clinch.
Sesimbra circles out and slips free of Masayoshi Nascimento's grip. Nice job of getting out of that position.

These two fighters are showing eachother a ton of respect.

Charro Sesimbra fires an unorthodox punch to Nascimento's torso
that hits its mark.

The people here is booing the fighters.
Tremendous strikes from Sesimbra!
Some big punches are landing!

Charro Sesimbra goes with a looping right hand while Masayoshi Nascimento jumps back and jabs
Sesimbra only hits air and the subsequent exchange is fruitless.

Brilliant combination from Charro Sesimbra
that forces Nascimento to try and defend better.

The clock says 3:10 in the 1 round
Charro Sesimbra is taking out his mouthpiece to breath...
Charro Sesimbra tries a hook to the body
but Nascimento manages to dodge it

Sesimbra is hurt... He should be looking for avoid more damage or he will lose this fight.
Charro Sesimbra and Nascimento engage in a wild exchange of punches!
Charro Sesimbra is getting the best of the trade as he lands a few blows.

Charro Sesimbra shoots for a double leg takedown!
He hits it! Masayoshi Nascimento is taken off his feet, but he manages to pull Sesimbra into his guard.

Charro Sesimbra is in closed guard over Nascimento
Charro Sesimbra tries to pass Masayoshi Nascimento's guard...
Charro Sesimbra manages to get his leg free and moves to half guard.

Charro Sesimbra is in half guard over Nascimento
Sesimbra launches a few fake punches and tries to escape!
Nascimento is covering himself! Sesimbra tries to force the situation and Nascimento clumsily gives his back!

Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento
Nascimento has Sesimbra controlling is back while on the ground. He tries to roll and find and scape...
Sesimbra is unable to move under Nascimento control.

Charro Sesimbra is in closed guard over Nascimento
Sesimbra struggles in the ground and tries to break Masayoshi Nascimento's guard...
Nascimento doesn't want to free his opponent and Sesimbra continues in closed guard
Charro Sesimbra gets sloppy and Masayoshi Nascimento tries to take advantage...
Sesimbra is in closed guard... Nascimento tries to roll on the ground!
Charro Sesimbra uses his leg to keep his position on the ground

The clock says 4:10 in the 1 round
Charro Sesimbra is in closed guard over Nascimento
Sesimbra is in closed guard... Nascimento tries to roll on the ground!
Charro Sesimbra uses his leg to keep his position on the ground

Charro Sesimbra is in closed guard over Nascimento
Masayoshi Nascimento is being schooled today. What an awful performance.
Nascimento moves to high guard and tries to close an armbar!
Charro Sesimbra breaks the lock, rolls on the ground ans stands up quiclky.
Nascimento misses a step and Charro Sesimbra sees an opportunity to counter him!
Sesimbra tries to escape from closed guard...
Nascimento wait for the momment and tries to roll! Too late for Charro Sesimbra! He is reversed and nor Masayoshi Nascimento is on half guard!
Steve Mazzagatti stand the fighters up due to a lack of activity.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. There people who are watching this in venue is cheering up the fighters.

A few fans doesn't like what the are seeing and begin to boo!
Charro Sesimbra throws a punch
that finds an opening in the defense of Nascimento.

Charro Sesimbra shoots for a double leg takedown!
Masayoshi Nascimento sprawls and manages to stay on his feet.
Sesimbra clumsily fails here and it's time for Masayoshi Nascimento to fight back!
Masayoshi Nascimento leans forwards and tries to grapple with Sesimbra
Nascimento shows his clinching skills. Both fighters are clinching now.
Steve Mazzagatti separates the fighters as the round concludes. The fighters shake hands as they head back to their corners.
This round is clearly for Charro Sesimbra.

Round 2

Nascimento moves aside and launches a furious low kick!
Charro Sesimbra checks the kick.

Masayoshi Nascimento launches a body shot
Sesimbra dodges and catches him with a hard cross.

Masayoshi Nascimento is taking out his mouthpiece to breath...
Masayoshi Nascimento fakes a punch and shows some footwork moving aside.

Sesimbra is holding Masayoshi Nascimento left leg... He's trying to take him down.
Masayoshi Nascimento shows a great balance while pushing away Charro Sesimbra
Charro Sesimbra gets sloppy and Masayoshi Nascimento tries to take advantage...
Nascimento tries some clinch in order to control the fight...
Well done. Nascimento is clinching with Sesimbra.

The clock says 1:00 in the 2 round
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Sesimbra takes a break to breath while holding Masayoshi Nascimento.
The referee intervenes to break the clinch.

Sesimbra throws a low kick
He switches targets and lands a superb body kick!

A solid combination from Charro Sesimbra
connects with Nascimento.

The clock says 1:30 in the 2 round
Sesimbra is trying to lift Nascimento!
Brilliant side slam!

Charro Sesimbra is in side mount over Masayoshi Nascimento
Charro Sesimbra looks to mount Masayoshi Nascimento...
Charro Sesimbra slides his knee across and gets to mount.

The clock says 1:45 in the 2 round
Charro Sesimbra is in full mount over Masayoshi Nascimento
Charro Sesimbra is cooling the fight on the ground

Charro Sesimbra is in full mount over Masayoshi Nascimento
This fight is very one sided. Charro Sesimbra is mauling Masayoshi Nascimento.
Masayoshi Nascimento tries to roll to his side and get to half guard...
Charro Sesimbra rolls Masayoshi Nascimento to his stomach and takes his back!

Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento
Nice beating has received Charro Sesimbra.
Nascimento has given his back to Charro Sesimbra who is trying to get one hook in!
Charro Sesimbra has one hook in!

Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento with one hook in
Sesimbra has one hook in and now is trying to get the second one! If he succeed things are goint to get very bad for Nascimento.
Nicely done! Sesimbra is now with two hooks in! The end may be near!

Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento with two hooks in
Sesimbra is in rear mount with two hooks in! He is working with a desperate Nascimento, who tries to defend himself and escape from that position.
Sesimbra moves looking maybe to sink a rear naked choke and finish this.

The clock says 2:25 in the 2 round
Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento with two hooks in
Sesimbra is gassing out... To bad. His performance may be going down.
Sesimbra is in rear mount with two hooks in! He is working with a desperate Nascimento, who tries to defend himself and escape from that position.
Sesimbra moves looking maybe to sink a rear naked choke and finish this.

Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento with two hooks in
Sesimbra is in rear mount with two hooks in! He is working with a desperate Nascimento, who tries to defend himself and escape from that position.
Sesimbra moves looking maybe to sink a rear naked choke and finish this.

Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento with two hooks in
Sesimbra temptatively looks for a way to finish his opponent! This is a nightmare for Nascimento!
Sesimbra has one of his arm over Masayoshi Nascimento's shoulder and ready for a RNC!

The clock says 2:45 in the 2 round
Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento with two hooks in
A few fans doesn't like what the are seeing and begin to boo!
Sesimbra is in rear mount with two hooks in! He is working with a desperate Nascimento, who tries to defend himself and escape from that position.
Sesimbra moves looking maybe to sink a rear naked choke and finish this.

Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento with two hooks in
Sesimbra temptatively looks for a way to finish his opponent! This is a nightmare for Nascimento!
Sesimbra has one of his arm over Masayoshi Nascimento's shoulder and ready for a RNC!

Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento with two hooks in
Sesimbra is in rear mount with two hooks in! He is working with a desperate Nascimento, who tries to defend himself and escape from that position.
Sesimbra moves looking maybe to sink a rear naked choke and finish this.

Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento with two hooks in
Sesimbra is in rear mount with two hooks in! He is working with a desperate Nascimento, who tries to defend himself and escape from that position.
Sesimbra moves looking maybe to sink a rear naked choke and finish this.

Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento with two hooks in
Sesimbra temptatively looks for a way to finish his opponent! This is a nightmare for Nascimento!
Nascimento adopts the turtle defense and Sesimbra is ready for make his way to the victory with a round of punches!

Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento with two hooks in
Sesimbra has built a big lead over Nascimento.
Sesimbra is in rear mount with two hooks in! He is working with a desperate Nascimento, who tries to defend himself and escape from that position.
Sesimbra moves looking maybe to sink a rear naked choke and finish this.

Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento with two hooks in
Sesimbra temptatively looks for a way to finish his opponent! This is a nightmare for Nascimento!
Sesimbra has one of his arm over Masayoshi Nascimento's shoulder and ready for a RNC!

Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento with two hooks in
Sesimbra temptatively looks for a way to finish his opponent! This is a nightmare for Nascimento!
Sesimbra has one of his arm over Masayoshi Nascimento's shoulder and ready for a RNC!

Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento with two hooks in
This is starting to resemble a Floyd Mayweather fight. You can here the boos starting.
Sesimbra temptatively looks for a way to finish his opponent! This is a nightmare for Nascimento!
Nascimento adopts the turtle defense and Sesimbra is ready for make his way to the victory with a round of punches!

Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento with two hooks in
Sesimbra is in rear mount with two hooks in! He is working with a desperate Nascimento, who tries to defend himself and escape from that position.
Sesimbra moves looking maybe to sink a rear naked choke and finish this.

Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento with two hooks in
This may be a mismatch. Masayoshi Nascimento doesn't know how to stand before Charro Sesimbra.
Sesimbra temptatively looks for a way to finish his opponent! This is a nightmare for Nascimento!
Sesimbra has one of his arm over Masayoshi Nascimento's shoulder and ready for a RNC!

Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento with two hooks in
Sesimbra is in rear mount with two hooks in! He is working with a desperate Nascimento, who tries to defend himself and escape from that position.
Sesimbra moves looking maybe to sink a rear naked choke and finish this.

The clock says 4:05 in the 2 round
Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento with two hooks in
Sesimbra is in rear mount with two hooks in! He is working with a desperate Nascimento, who tries to defend himself and escape from that position.
Sesimbra moves looking maybe to sink a rear naked choke and finish this.

Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento with two hooks in
Charro Sesimbra is cooling the fight on the ground

Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento with two hooks in
Sesimbra temptatively looks for a way to finish his opponent! This is a nightmare for Nascimento!
Sesimbra has one of his arm over Masayoshi Nascimento's shoulder and ready for a RNC!

Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento with two hooks in
Sesimbra temptatively looks for a way to finish his opponent! This is a nightmare for Nascimento!
Nascimento adopts the turtle defense and Sesimbra is ready for make his way to the victory with a round of punches!

Sesimbra is in rear mount over Nascimento with two hooks in
Sesimbra is taking this opportunity to rest.
Steve Mazzagatti has seen enough pasivity on the ground and stand the fighters.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. There people who are watching this in venue is cheering up the fighters.

Sesimbra is breathing hard. He is exhausted and the fight will be very complicate for him for now on.
Charro Sesimbra tries a hook to the body
and hits Nascimento ribs hard

Charro Sesimbra moves forward and launches a low kick.
Hard blow to Nascimento's right thigh
Steve Mazzagatti has seen enough! The fight is over! Nascimento was not intelligently defending himself!
Masayoshi Nascimento's knee cap just got popped, he can't fight on

Winner is Charro Sesimbra by TKO (Low kick) at 5:00 Round 2

Statistics: Masayoshi Nascimento
Punches 3/5 (60%)
Kicks 3/4 (75%)
Clinch strikes 2/7 (29%)
Takedowns 0/0 (0%)
GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)
Submissions 1/1 (100%)
Clinches 3/3 (100%)
Damage caused 14,96
Clinch Damage 5,83
Ground Damage 0
Time on the ground 242 s

Statistics: Charro Sesimbra
Punches 15/22 (68%)
Kicks 2/2 (100%)
Clinch strikes 3/6 (50%)
Takedowns 1/1 (100%)
GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)
Submissions 0/0 (0%)
Clinches 2/3 (67%)
Damage caused 959,44
Clinch Damage 59,5
Ground Damage 0
Time on the ground 242 s
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