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Old 11-05-2010, 11:13 PM   #1
Pro Starter
Join Date: Sep 2005
Talking Raising the Bar.

This is an email sent by a coworker this morning at 8:41a. (He works 2p-9) Our boss is on vacation, so he apparently felt the need to send this to about half of the people in our department. He really raised the bar on calling in sick here...

...Woke up appx 60 min ago with an unsettled stomach, almost vomited, but whatever it is suddenly veered south and exited quite violently like a running stream...body temp @100.6', which is a low-med grade fever for me...also some weakness/wooziness and sweats. It all sounds like what my mom had at the beginning of this week for 48 hrs plus, and I did come in contact with her on Wed night.

Thus, I'm staying home today. My functions necessary for the weekend were completed by me last night; already advised those also in that loop as such.

(Two long and extremely detailed paragraphs on what to do and who could be possible replacements were here, but I'll spare those boring details.)

If anything arises, I'm at home (718-XXX-XXXX- machine will ans, but speaker will be up), and the Blackberry is on the mattress (917-XXX-XXXX). CALL IF YOU MUST!! I will be in Monday, but will advise on Sunday if this will NOT be the case.
Sorry for any inconvenience; thank you all! XXXX.

(I'll check w/Diggy in mast ctl a bit after 1000a to make sure the word completed the trip).

It is worth mentioning that nobody, including the guy we think he's referring to, has any clue what the name "Diggy" is about.

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