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Old 11-05-2010, 11:29 PM   #48
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Raleigh, NC
Originally Posted by Noop View Post
Auburn could be the first domino to fall exposing FBS recruiting games.

What about that mushroom cloud that nearly vaporized the UNC program before the season began? It also managed to get a lot of fingers pointed at various SEC players while they were at it. I think without that mess being touched off with Marvin Austin's tweet, almost none of what's happened since--the UNC assistant coach on the take, the SI article about the blatant agent money games, and now Cam Newton (whether the last one is true or not)--would have come to light.

I suppose if you want to get really picky about it, you could argue the that the near-miss on the death penalty USC got for the Reggie Bush case made everyone more sensitive to the money issues and then Marvin made his tweet in just such an environment, sort of like lighting a match in a coal mine.
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