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Old 11-23-2010, 09:34 PM   #33
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
Thanks for the comments.

As far as the AP system and my year-to-year choices, I confess that where I am landing in terms of AP usage happens to coincide pretty neatly with the way I more or less play the game anyway. Playing solo, I really don't feel like messing around with rosters every week to readjust who my #2 WLB is and the like...and so I am basically okay building a team around the assumption that I'll just leave the depth charts on auto. It's a loss, but one I'm comfortable with. Using my custom gameplans, though, is pretty close to a dealbreaker for me. I considered not bothering in the early years (and probably should have used the AP elsewhere) but I'm basically convinced that smart and well-tailored gameplans are worth more to the team than, say, any one player at any position could. So, if I'm playing "all out" it would take more than 10 AP (to be used on contracts or whatnot) to lure me away from my own gameplans. Not sure if that's a sign of an imbalance, or just my own personal preference.
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