Thread: Yay for snow
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Old 01-11-2011, 09:33 AM   #50
Alan T
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mass.
Originally Posted by ColtCrazy View Post
School district here is taking a ton of flak. Every other school district had called school today by 6AM. By then, we had about an inch, but the counties west of us already had 3-5'' and it seemed like that would hit us between 6-11. Our school district didn't make the call till nearly 7, when most parents were preparing to put kids on buses, and some teachers made struggled to make it to buildings (by 7, there was easily 2 inches and roads were completely covered). Our district has done this in the past, canceling school for flooding once only after on bus got stuck and had to backtrack. I ended up at work that day, one of 3 that made it, only to take a 10 mile detour to find a way home.

What a strange school district I work for.

That does sound odd. Everywhere I have lived, School districts usually error on the side of overly cautious for fear of legal liability if even one student was hurt on the way to school on a questionable weather day.

I haven't heard of too many districts really pushing the envelope in the other direction.
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