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Old 02-03-2011, 09:32 PM   #392
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: MA
Initial thoughts for tomorrow, assuming CR's seer admission plays out and he's not screwing with us.

EF, I'd think there would be at least 1 Wolf in there voting for him. Disagreements?

From that group we have
Hoops: Cleared by seer
CR: Should be seer(pending night)
DT: Dead villager

It's so easy to blame hoops for this shit, cause he's hoops. But we should consider the possibility that he's cunning.

Further more, a longer stretch of an idea I've been toying with since yesterday. Possibly Eagle and Hoops both being wolves and trying to play both sides of the fence somewhat. One's death paints the other in a better light.

Just tossing ideas out there. I'm sure there will be looks at people who piled onto DT as well.

And while it's to late for "vibes". But since voting for J23 I've been getting a "wolf or seer" vibe from him.

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