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Old 02-17-2011, 08:46 AM   #1251
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Nov 2003
OK - while I am still figuring out what happened last night, and before it starts getting crazy again today, it's time for me to play true confessions. I have avoided the "what have I bid on game" because there was no way for me to answer without either lying or revealing additional information which I wasn't ready to do. Until now. As I've said all along, I am a resident of Vegas. But I was lucky enough to also have a special skill

You are a resident of Vegas, but you're more than that. You're a gambler of a different sort, the kind of guy who rolls the dice on quick money schemes. You can't win them all, but you don't need to. You only need to win a few to be ahead in the long run. You have a special ability - once in the game you can choose to invest any amount up to your total balance. For each additional night that you survive, the amount you invested doubles. When you are ready to cash in, you must include that instruction in addition to any other activity you may be able to make that night. If you are killed before you request your invested money back, that money will be removed from the game.

Since this is my first game of Werewolf, it was enough to try & figure out how to play the regular game. But this money mechanic on top of it is just crazy. So the first night, I didn't make any bids. I wanted to see how much services went for, etc. The next day, I made [this] post because I was blown away that the strategy would be anything other than winning money (in fact, I'm still not really sure I understand it, but that's ok...). I also did some research. I looked back over the last 7 games of Werewolf where I could reasonably figure out what was going on. And I calculated that the average game lasted 4.25 nights (30 nights/7 games). The average number of players was between 12-13. (I told you I dabbled with math...). Since we have 19 players, I guessed (rightly or wrongly) that this game may last an additional 3 day/night cycles. So on Night 2, I decided to invest half my money. I put $500 into the quick money scheme, leaving me with $500.

Since then, I have unsuccessfully bid on Janet & the Graceland Wedding Chapel. In fact, I haven't won a bid yet. I'm sure those of you that won services could confirm that I am telling the truth.

This game is very interesting in that pressures mount (sometimes direct and sometimes implied). I know I was beginning to face additional scrutiny, and I gave myself a day to figure out a way to play it. But with the services that have been purchased, anything other than the truth would be easily disproved. Certainly at this point of the game. And when we are so close to victory.

Now that we finally offed mckerney, and with the surprising demise of saldana, it's probably looking like 7 of us left, and 2 wolves (one from each family). I do have some other ideas I want to explore. But that's it for now.

Hi. I'm tyketime. And I am a Resident.
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