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Old 02-22-2011, 10:52 AM   #1659
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: St. Paul, MN
Originally Posted by Autumn View Post
That would be funny.

I'm glad people enjoyed it, I would definitely consider a sequel, with some rule fixes. One of the wolves said in PM he was heading to Jersey after this, so ...

I was pondering during the game that I should have made it possible to bid on only one service a night, to keep a rich player from dominating the game, especially since some of the services allowed them to keep making money. Now i"m not so sure after seeing how the endgame went down. What do people think?

Just some brainstorming...

My two cents, but I thought the wolves were a little underpowered, they had a big numbers disadvantage, the village had a lot of ways to get information, and the village even got a couple roles. I was surprised you allowed a duke role because of exactly how CR used it (who played a fantastic game incidentally), seems a bit strong. Maybe you could have a rule that other than the NK you can't win the bid on the same service consecutive nights? Maybe no bidding BG and seer together, that mechanic was tough for the wolves. Another random thought if you didn't like how bunched the bet winning was would be to choose 2 people to bet?

I don't know though, I enjoyed things as they were and depending on a number of factors the game could've easily gone a different way.
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