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Old 05-14-2011, 05:10 PM   #9
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Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Green Bay, WI
Originally Posted by GrantDawg View Post
That you are well reasoned and logical. I don't think he can even win his own states primary. Honestly, even as a non-Republican, I like Newt. He is smarter than you might think (a professor, who has championed foward thinking causes in the past), but he is not trustworthy. I don't give him a snow-balls chance to get out of the early stages of the election processes.


I wouldn't say 'not trustworthy,' although his ex-wives might disagree. I mean, I completely believe that he'd pursue the agenda he's said he would. I think we can take him at his word on issues that pertain to what he would do as President.

But with respect to his character in general, I'd say 'disingenuous.' This is a guy who has essentially called the President a liar with respect to faith, calling his Administration "anti-Christian," while at the same time playing the faith card with his own candidacy, which is a little amusing when you look at his personal background.

I guess I just consider it a loser to be playing the faith card against the sitting President and calling him 'anti-Christian' when you've got two affairs and subsequent divorces in your own background. Saying "that guy isn't what he claims to be, but trust me, I'm not the man I used to be" just...doesn't fly for me.

If you're gonna nominate a candidate who makes faith a big deal, you might as well go for Huckabee. Gingrich just strikes me as too cynical on the matter, and I think maybe subconsciously I suspect the electorate would get the same vibe.
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