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Old 05-31-2011, 02:49 PM   #111
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Jan 2006
Originally Posted by JAG View Post
Here's the thing though. If a villager with a role found a corrupt citizen, would we really want to vote them off knowing that they are contributing to our win condition? It would be kind of like voting off a known cultist, except one that's potentially unaware that they're helping the wrong side, depending on what the corrupt players have for a win condition.

I was thinking more in terms of how the wolves would act if they knew there was a corrupt villager and two unknown villagers on the block - you'd expect that they would have a tendency to vote to protect the corrupt villager - nothing like as overtly as if it was a wolf up there but still. I agree that a villager semi-seer who would root out that sort of thing would be less useful.
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