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Old 06-01-2011, 11:31 AM   #267
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Jan 2006
I'm not sure scanning him would be fantastically helpful - if he is a member of the mob it's likely he's got a cunning power otherwise this whole course of events is illogical. This business about triggering corruption doesn't really hold up very well either as far as I can see. Why not let things play out and then, when a wolf gets lynched the corruption thingy will trigger anyway. Don't see much sense in hurrying towards it.

I wonder why Danny has been pulling all this "Look at me! I'm mad" business and yet attempting to convince us that his mayor post wasn't a mistake but some sort of cunning masterplan. I don't know, maybe he thought the mayor would duke him and that was his thinking all along. Reading it I think it sounds like he thinks it's a effective plan, Chubby points out the obvious and then we get the Crazy Danny act, followed by the "obviously not a mistake" Danny.

In order of probability I'd guess Hostile Independent, Trout, Cunning Mob, Flying Trout, Villager. Which kind of makes me think we should vote him anyway as the win-loss is pretty good. Don't like the fact that I think he wanted us to vote him before all this ker-wazy stuff kicked off.
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