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Old 06-03-2011, 10:46 PM   #1323
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
This is Gotham Live.

In wake of the shocking death of Mayor Jackal, more news related to the Joker has surfaced. Newspapers delivered all over the city this morning featured an ad by the clown prince of crime. Horrified newspaper publishers insist they had no knowledge of the ad.

"Take Part in the Newest Sensation! Join the Rising Ranks of Gotham City Murderers! Don't Leave It Up to the Mob! For A Limited Time Only, Be A Part of The Crime.

Yes, that's right, Gotham City. You've had fun living vicariously through those mobsters, watching their hits on your color TVs. You've enjoyed helping me choose who to kill. You're loathe to pull the trigger yourself though. Practice, practice is what you need!

Today I'll give you the choice, two more of Gotham's wonderful citizens. Which one will it be? Your friend and pal Abe Sargent, or that swaggering stud Lathum? Which one do you hate the most? Which one have you secretly been wishing was dead?

Can't choose? Well, that's all right. If you don't choose one, we'll just kill them both! Maybe you're more advanced than I realize, ready to step up to mass murder. If so, please ignore my ad and tune in your television sets at 10:00 pm, Monday. I'll be sure to take pictures.

The Joker has a new game for you to play. You must choose whether to kill Abe Sargent or Lathum. Please vote by posting one of the following by 10 pm Monday:


Of course if No Kill is the winner of the vote, The Joker gets to kill them both.
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