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Old 06-16-2011, 10:10 PM   #731
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: St. Paul, MN
First off, fun game, thanks Autumn. I actually think this is a great format for a small game than revealing roles on death as there's a lot more intrigue, thinking of different scenarios, and chances for bold opportunities to succeed, as spleen and bhlloy accomplished.

Nice job wolves, you completely confused me as to what happened with the NK and such. As D3 began, I was highly certain PF was lying, that there was no way they'd leave him alive to reveal bhlloy as wolf, especially with me as the NK since I was the one defending bhlloy most. I'm not sure that was the optimal way through the woods D2 (if Zinto doesn't reveal and you pick the wrong target for the NK, with three players left the remaining villager has a humorous opportunity to pull off the win by self-voting and leaving the hunter with the wolf...though I think Zinto was the likely NK target anyway being that you wouldn't kill PF with the hunter potentially at large).

Danny, interesting move at the end. In my reasoning at the beginning of D3, I basically determined it wasn't possible that both Narcizo and PF were lying if no one else came out and disputed a role...otherwise you'd have to believe bhlloy, mau, and I went down without providing any info (if I had been seer, I would've revealed my info at the N2 deadline in case I was NK'ed). So I thought you'd realize PF had to be telling the truth and then you wouldn't have to fake reveal as a wolf as you did, which probably made it tougher to trust PF. You did really well with your explanation though. Tough deal at the end for PF, those 50-50 shots don't usually seem to go for the villager. Overall, not a bad performance for the village considering we lost the seer N1.
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