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Old 06-23-2011, 07:36 AM   #1200
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Originally Posted by hoopsguy View Post
So after 2+ weeks of weighing in at 176-177 I found myself at 174.5 this morning. Very pleased, but suspect this might be an outlier and that I'll be back up two pounds again tomorrow.

Rowech, I assume that you are working out at a gym? If so, I'm guessing this might be time to shuffle up your workout routine. I would try to meet with a personal trainer and see if they can give you some advice on how to proceed. I'm definitely not the right person to recommend the changes that you likely need to make, given that your commitment to the process exceeds mine in both duration and results.

I switched it up yesterday. Picked up .5 pound. I'm trying not to be frustrated but going on two months now. If I was at 225, I would live with it a bit easier but I feel like I've come so far and if I can't break through this, it's going to be all for not.

It's bizarre but there is a part of me that wonders if working out six days a week (3 days lifting/elliptical and 3 days running) is somehow having an adverse affect where my body doesn't know what's hitting it.

Just at a loss right now.
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