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Old 06-27-2011, 07:03 PM   #204
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: San Diego via Sausalito via San Jose via San Diego
Originally Posted by SackAttack View Post
I'd, uh, disagree with you on California.

There's really not much left there in the way of "moderate" Republicans. They're all of the Orange County variety.

If Bachmann's got any kind of momentum going into California, I'd give her better than even odds at taking the majority of California's delegates.

There's plenty in San Diego county and out in the rural areas of the state. Romney had 34.56% of the vote in California (wikipedia) in the last Presidential Primary. Coming in second to McCain, who had 42.25%. Yes, things have changed in those 3 years, but, I just don't see her getting much of a foothold in California regardless of her momentum. I'd like to think my fellow citizens in this state are smarter than that.

Ron Paul, who I would more closely associate with Bachmann, not because of her craziness, but, because of her willingness to bring up fringe ideas, only got 4.27% of the vote. Romney is going to have to really pull a Howard Dean or Gary Hart to not win California. Just my opinion though, but, never underestimate the stupidity of voters.
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