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Old 06-28-2011, 05:42 PM   #219
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Originally Posted by SackAttack View Post
Yeah, well...I *know* some of the things she's said and done that reveal her level of batshit insanity, and I still think that if she makes it through Iowa/New Hampshire in a reasonable position, that she's going to be someone the 'adult' candidates have to deal with right up to Super Tuesday, and possibly beyond.

Primary voters are a different beast than general election voters, even those who actually claim a party affiliation (rather than 'independent'). And the problem for 2012, unlike 2008, is that you've got that whole "ideological purity" thing going on with the Republicans. The Tea Party, demographically, lines up pretty well with those who actually pull the lever during primary season, and for that reason, well...I've bolded part of your statement.

I don't think she has a prayer in hell of winning the general election, mind you, but I can totally see a scenario where the Tea Party nuts get their ideal candidate in her and then wake up with an epic cheap wine hangover on the first Wednesday in November.

I could even see a really twisted double-blind scenario where the GOP muckety-mucks, while deploring the idea of a President Bachmann, would be totally down with using a November whitewashing to bring the Tea Party to heel. Give 'em what they want, and when it fails, hope that they either fade back into the woodwork, or that cooler heads prevail.

I hear you for sure. I just don't think she'll make it to the primaries at all. There's just too many debates to be had and too much time to dig up her skeletons. Heck, I'm surprised that Newt's campaign imploded so early. I had a feeling it eventually would, just didn't think it would be that soon.

She's the media 'darling' right now...for now. Which I think is maybe why she seems so strong at the moment. If she somehow manages to not lose that, then yes, those primary voters could very well shoe her in for the general election, but, I really think that also depends on how much Romney can satiate the people who are leery of him right now. I don't think he has to win overwhelming support of those people either and that would make it a lot easier for him to pull away from Bachmann.

Yes. I can almost see it being a win/win for the republicans, even if they lose the election. Like you mentioned, she gets the nomination and she fails miserably, I think the GOPs tea party cousins get sent to the phantom zone, which will make the tea party less of distraction for them, which may set up the GOP for a much stronger showing in 2016.
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