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Old 07-01-2011, 06:31 AM   #1220
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Location: Chicago
Originally Posted by hoopsguy View Post
Weighed in at 178.9 this morning, which is about the highest I've weighed all month and up 2.5 pounds from yesterday. Pretty disappointing, given that I spent virtually the whole month in the 176-177 range and had dipped under 175 for a little while. I understand the whole variance thing, but still annoying to have happen on the monthly weigh-in.

Working out was basically shot this month, so the very slight gain was purely driven by some dietary discretion. Soccer is also over now, so I'm going to find my way back onto the treadmill and hitting up the videos. If this doesn't help get me to commit to 5AM in a meaningful way, I don't know what will.

Hmm, re-weighed in this morning at 176.2 right before stepping into the shower. Checked it twice, same result both times. This just adds to my general distrust of this scale, but I'm banking this result because it makes me feel better (I was pretty darn strict on diet this month) and also because it is more consistent with everything I saw for the 30 days than the weight reported above.

So down 3.1 pounds for the month, which is pretty consistent with what I've done in earlier months of dieting.

I suspect I won't have more 3 pound months solely on diet, and that future productive months will have to be driven by markedly increased exercise. I'm about halfway to my goal weight for next March, but it has obviously been the easier half and I still haven't radically altered my exercise routine to where it is habit. More like fits and starts. That is a mix of good/bad news, I suppose.

Anyway, (pre) 5AM workouts will start next Tuesday in conjunction with starting my new job. Just trying to work out how early I'll need to be up to do all morning stuff for me + kid while catching a 6:45 AM train. Glad I have 3 days to rest this weekend before starting
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