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Old 08-17-2011, 09:12 PM   #2550
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: St. Paul, MN
First, thanks very much to everyone for playing, especially those who hadn't played in a while as I think it was refreshing to have some new (or old if you prefer) voices in the conversation and hope you can forgive the rough edges in this game. I was extremely please with the activity level even with the weekend breaking things up some. It made it a lot of fun to follow and I was happy to see people so engaged in the game.

Congratulations to the village. While I now feel like I underpowered the wolves (though they helped me out by killing Odin immediately), I feel like there was some pretty strong villager play and poor luck for the wolves with the exception of the Odin kill Day 1-3 that helped put them at a severe disadvantage. At that point it was going to be a steep uphill climb to win, though even then they put up a pretty reasonable fight and had some momentum going until mckerney's little play brought home the win.

I'll provide a full list of roles and such in a bit, but I wanted to start by laying out some things that were going on that a number of people were probably wondering about.

1. The stuff with the fake Mjolnir / real Mjolnir. None of the villagers guessed what had actually happened (or if they did, I missed it). The hammer that was passed around by Telle / Narcizo / hoops was the real hammer. On Day 2, Loki crafted a fake hammer (he requested it, though it was to be a random item from the list, and by chance happened to be Mjolnir). On Day 3, as hoops passed the real one to Chubby, Zinto passed the fake one to Chubby. Not being able to tell the difference, it was random chance which hammer Chubby ended up with...and he ended with
the fake. That spun the real hammer off to Racer. I found that pretty humorous. When I drew up the idea for items, I never suspected the fake one would end up getting used that way. In retrospect I realized they could've also tried to send it to whomever was getting the Mistletoe to try and spin that off randomly,

2. The Mistletoe did not have to be weaponized to kill EF, only passed to him. EF had no special abilities other than being immune to lynching. For those that played in it, it was like my role in Pass's Godfather game where passing the horse head to me would've killed me. That was a special hell of stress for me to deal with and I figured this was an opportunity to use the same mechanic to pass the experience on to someone else (sorry EF ). There was this special for Loki though: If Loki received the Mistletoe and passed it to EF, he had an abillity to frame anyone else so in the write-up it would look like someone else caused Balder to die (as Loki had Hodor shoot the arrow that killed Balder).

3. Racer was the Valkyrie, the hidden role in the game. As long as he was alive, dead vanilla villagers went to Valhalla. If he had died, no other vanilla villagers would've gone there.

4. There was actually a conversion ability in the game, but a rather weak one that only worked on dead vanilla villagers whose spirits did not go to Valhalla. It probably would've been snuffed out immediately by anyone realizing Hel was the only reasonable explanation for a player returning
from the dead, but it seemed like it could be useful for an endgame situation or to force the village to waste a day killing the convert.

5. The no night kill on Day 2 was Chubby successfully blocking an NK attempt on J23.
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